Sustaining your Startup’s Success


 Event Description:

Your company is a success. It is small but already a market leader and is on the rise. Can this be sustained? Why are all big companies so ineffective, and why does nobody really like working there anymore? Many think that it is the law of nature, which is as inevitable as the law of gravity.
Yet the solution was already available in 1947, when Herbert Simon published “Administrative Behavior,” where he developed an approach to analyzing organizations as dynamic problem-solving and decision-making networks. This work earned him the Nobel Prize in 1978.
This presentation will:
• Outline Simon’s ideas and the team effectiveness model built upon them
• Show, that the current interest in predictive analytics gives hope that Simon’s ideas will finally be utilized
• Conclude with a case study, which applied the proposed approach, illuminating what happens under the hood of a fast growing successful tech company
After finishing the University of Vilnius with a degree in theoretical physics, Dr. Leon Khaimovich spent 3 years applying non-linear system dynamics for modeling aerodynamic and electromagnetic properties of disk-head pair in hard drives.
Again and again he was surprised by how little mathematics was used to design and refine such complex modern technology.
After coming to the United States he pursued this interest of his by entering a graduate program and working with Dr. Herbert Simon—the founder of the field of cognitive psychology, who introduced the concept of bounded rationality into economics and management science.
Since leaving academia Dr. Khaimovich has accumulated the proverbial 10,000 hours of practice in design and remodeling of knowledge-intensive processes in high-tech industry and education. Most of them were spent on the front lines of chasing elusive software quality, leaving Dr. Khaimovich with little time to work on the root causes of recurrent problems and slow organizational deterioration. Yet this work provided Dr. Khaimovich with firsthand rich data to process within the framework of his previous research on effectiveness of group problem solving.
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Event Details

Tuesday, November 15th, 2016


Perkins Coie
3150 Porter Dr.
Palo Alto, CA


$15 in advance
$25 at the door

Student/Senior discounts available
Members always free


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